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10 complimentary tickets to the Gala with complimentary wristbands and a bottle of Champagne for your party, exclusive recognition display on the gala stage, a full-page color program ad, recognition on social media platforms and the gala website, and donor level program recognition.
8 complimentary tickets and beverage wristbands with a complimentary bottle of champagne for your party, full page color program ad, recognition on social media platforms and gala website and donor-level program recognition
4 complimentary tickets with a complementary bottle of champagne for your party; half page color program ad; recognition on social media platforms and gala website, donor-level program recognition.
2 complimentary tickets; half page color program ad; recognition on social media platforms and gala website, donor-level program recognition.
Half page program ad or a class popsicle party (for one child's homeroom). Recognition on gala website, donor-level program recognition.
Donor level recognition.
Please use the links at the top of the page to navigate and purchase your tickets.
Thank you for supporting the SMCS PTO!